About Jenny's

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About Jenny’s Kindergarten in NSW

An Established Boutique Provider Since 2000

About Us

Childcare and early learning centers are meant to be resources you can trust as a parent. There are so many benefits to enrolling your child in a learning center that most parents can see differences in how their children act and what they know in a very short amount of time. 

Childcare and early learning centers are important for several reasons. First, they allow parents to go back to work without having to worry about looking after their child/children. Parents can rest assured knowing that their children are being cared for by attention, professional workers in a caring educational environment. It’s never easy for a parent to leave their little one, even if it’s only for a few hours each day. But, knowing they’re in good hands can make all the difference. 

Enrolling children in a childcare or early learning center is also good for them! At Jenny’s Kindergarten, we focus on a commitment to life-long learning that can start from a very young age. We believe that learning doesn’t just have to happen in a classroom setting. It also happens from interacting with others. So many studies have shown the importance of socialization and relationships for young children. Enrolling them in a childcare or early learning center allows them to experience that socialization and can help them to learn more relational, emotional skills along the way. 

With that in mind, let’s take a look at what you can expect from childcare and early learning centers, as well as the differences between the childcare and early learning years, so you can have a better understanding of how your child will learn and grow. 


Jenny’s Kindergarten’s are an established boutique provider since 2000 with a strong passion to be the leading providers in premium Early Childhood Education and Care.

Jenny's provides premium Education and care in an enriching, challenging, safe and supportive learning environment that meets the needs of each individual child and their family. The Educator’s role is to encourage and support each individual child to develop and reach their fullest potential emotionally, intellectually and socially.

Jenny's Kindergarten & Early Learning Centres are committed to life-long learning and believe that children need to be actively involved in the program in order for them to extend their thinking and desire to learn well into the future.

Teaching Goals are:

  • To give children the opportunity to extend their thinking and desire to learn.
  • To develop partnerships with the families of our centres to promote their involvement in our programs.
  • To promote an understanding of sustainability.
  • To develop an awareness of the environment through providing natural areas for exploration.
  • To ensure each child’s individual development, skills and cultural backgrounds are recognised.
  • To interact and communicate openly with the children to help foster their learning.

Learning Goals are:

  • To create a learning environment that provides for the needs of each child.
  • To ensure our learning environment is safe, friendly and hygienic
  • To provide a learning environment that promotes the exploration of natural resources.
  • To observe, record and develop each individual child’s learning in their portfolio’s.
  • To include the local community in our programs to help enrich children’s learning.


  • Jenny’s Kindergarten strives to provide for the needs of the children and their families.
  • The centre prides itself on providing quality early childhood pedagogy.
  • Jenny’s Kindergarten is committed to providing a service that reflects the needs of children, their parents and the community.
  • Jenny's philosophy supports the various physical, economic, social, cultural and linguistically diverse families whilst also catering for any other additional needs.
  • The educators are a valued team, who work together to create an atmosphere of friendliness and warmth.
  • Open communication and respectful relationships between families, children, educators and the community is considered vital for the effective operation of Jenny’s Kindergarten.
  • Jenny’s Kindergarten use the frameworks principles to establish their pedagogical practices, believing in a holistic approach to teaching and learning.
  • Jenny's acknowledges the importance of parent and community input and multiculturalism into our programs as well as the significance of keeping ongoing records for each child.
  • Jenny's believe in providing for the needs of all children to maintain comfort, hygiene and happiness.

About Jenny's

  • Winner of Canterbury Bankstown Local Business Awards 2022 - Padstow
  • Winner of Inner West Local Business Awards 2020 – Mortlake
  • Finalist of Inner West Local Business Awards 2019 – Leichhardt & Mortlake
  • Finalist of Inner West Local Business Awards 2019
  • Finalist of Camden Wollondilly Local Business Awards 2018    
  • Finalist of Inner West Local Business Awards 2018
  • Finalist of Northern Districts Local Business Awards 2018
  • Finalist of Carillon Business Awards 2017 Excellence in Education – Bathurst  
  • Finalist of Carillon Business Awards 2017 Excellence in Education
  • Finalist of Bathurst Business awards 2016 for Employer of Choice - Bathurst
  • Finalist of Bathurst Business awards 2016 for Employer of Choice 
  • Finalist of Outstanding Childcare Services Bankstown City Local business Awards 2014
  • Winner of the Camden Wollondilly Local Business Awards 2014
  • Finalist of Outstanding Childcare Services Bankstown City Local Business Awards 2013
  • Winner of Outstanding Childcare Services 2012 Bankstown City Local Business Awards 2013
  • Finalist of the Camden Wollondilly Local Business Awards 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
  • Winner of St George Leader Awards for Best Childcare Service 2011
  • Winner of the Camden Wollondilly Local Business Awards 2010
  • Winner of Macarthur and Wollondilly 2010 Best Childcare Service
  • Finalist of the St George and Sutherland Leader Awards 2008
  • Voted best childcare services in St George and Sutherland Region by the leader awards 2006
  • Winner of People’s Choice Awards by Hurstville Council 2005
small child


  • Jenny’s Kindergarten provides state of the art facilities which are all purpose built.
  • The outdoor spaces ensure increased safety for your child and provides a rich and diverse range of experiences that promote children’s learning and development.
  • All centres have an open door policy to encourage families to visit the centre at any time.
  • The rooms are spacious, with natural light and a large variety of both natural and man-made resources and furnishings
  • Purpose built kitchen allows space to prepare and provide the highest quality of food.
  • All Centres are fitted with CCTV cameras and surveillance. Entry systems such as pin/intercom are installed to ensure increased safety for your child.
  • Jenny's have a personalised JK app which allows families to get live information on their child throughout the day. Ask for a demo today by your local JK Centre.

Nutrition and Menu Planning

The aim at Jenny’s Kindergarten is to provide the children with a variety of wholesome, healthy nutritional meals that the children will enjoy. All menus have been developed with the support of the Munch and Move program in accordance with NSW Health promotion officers and a qualified nutritionist.
  • The menu’s have been assessed against the recommendations of the “Nutrition Checklist for Long Day Care Menu Planning” This ensures that the menu’s offer children a minimum 50% of their Recommended Daily Intakes of nutrients whilst at early learning centre.
  • Menus are compiled for a four week period to ensure rotation of menu choices for all children. There is also a summer and a winter menu on offer.
  • Alternative meals are prepared for children who have allergies, special dietary or cultural requirements.
  • All meals are freshly prepared daily by a qualified cook in each Centre kitchen.

Community Involvement

Networking and community involvement is a very important aspect of Jenny’s Kindergarten as it also supports the implementation of the Early Years Learning Framework program. The children are involved in regular incursions from various community organisations that explore a range of topic areas relating directly to their chosen interests and play-based learning activities.

The community organisations we often network with include:
  • Speech therapists
  • Behavioural therapists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Psychologists
  • Libraries
  • Fire Stations
  • Police and Ambulance
  • Local schools and high schools
  • Local aquatic centres
  • Local radio stations
  • Local newspapers
  • Leisure centres
  • Dental organisations
Jenny's are involved in fundraising with the following organisation:
  • World Vision
  • Cancer Council (Daffodil Day)
  • Make a wish foundation
  • The World’s Biggest Morning Tea
  • Jeans for Genes Day
  • Salvation Army Bushfire Appeal

Choosing Jenny’s Kindergarten

Now that you know the ins and outs of what a childcare and early learning center in Sydney should be all about, you can make a more informed decision as to what’s best for your child. 

If you still aren’t sure what the right solution is and you’re going back and forth on whether a child care center is right for your little on, feel free to contact us. Or, stop by for a visit. Our staff is always happy to answer any questions parents might have when it comes to their child’s enrollment. 

At Jenny’s Kindergarten, we pride ourselves on being everything a childcare and early learning center should be in the suburbs of Sydney. Our staff loves all of our kids and can’t wait to add yours to our little flock so they can start learning and growing faster than ever from the first few minutes in the door. 


It’s normal to have questions about the childcare center you’re choosing for your child at any age. Let’s cover a few of the most commonly-asked questions that can offer you peace of mind and a bit more information about what to expect. 

Are You Thinking About Enrolment?

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