Hello, My name is Shae and I am the Centre Director here at Jenny’s Kindergarten Riverwood.
From the time I could talk I’ve always known that I wanted to work with children. I started my journey by becoming a History & Religion teacher for high schools before deciding to move into the Early Childhood & Care setting. For most of my career, I have been a room leader for nursery rooms. This has given me the chance to learn the importance of being reliable and flexible. Using these skills I have been able to create strong learning programs for our children and encourage them to thrive on a daily basis.
During my time at Jenny’s I have loved encouraging our children and families to be active members of our local communities and building strong links by participating in events and holding fundraising drives for local charities. I’m passionate about creating a space where children can learn and feel supported whilst also maintaining a strong sense of community for our families and those that live nearby. It takes a village to raise a child, and I truly believe that Jenny’s Kindergarten is a loving and supporting village that can help your child grow.
I believe that the learning that occurs during the first five years of an infant’s life is the most important and therefore I strive to ensure we never miss an opportunity. During my time as Director our team has worked hard to ensure that our centre is welcoming, inclusive and holds a high standard of education. We aim to lay a strong foundation for a child’s learning so that they are best prepared for their time in primary education.
I’ve enjoyed my time here at Jenny’s Kindergarten, as I can see how much their core values & beliefs align with my own. I very much look forward to meeting with the families in our tight knit Riverwood community and surrounding suburbs.